Our American democracy is on trial. The jury in that trial is we, the people. Our verdict will determine democracy’s future. Over the past year, much of the political news has been dominated by stories about Donald Trump’s four indictments, the 91 counts against him, and the trials they’ve precipitated. These trials will have direct consequences for the former president. They will have significant and indirect consequences for our American democracy as well. There is a myriad of other … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving Thoughts on Our Immigrant Nation — 2023
Who are we as citizens of these United States? With the exception of the indigenous Native Americans, we are all immigrants in this immigrant nation. This nation is a great nation. Immigrants have helped make it so. In 1958, before he became president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, wrote a book titled, A Nation of Immigrants. In his book, Kennedy observed: The abundant resources of this land provided the foundations for a great nation. But only people could make the … [Read more...]
America’s Immigration Dilemma in Perspective
Over the past few months, the media has been almost as overwhelmed by stories about the migrant crisis as the country has been by the influx of migrants seeking asylum in the United States. This crisis has intensified America’s immigration dilemma. This dilemma is not new. It has existed for decades. The failure to deal with it constructively in the past has made it more difficult to do so today. In this blog, we examine the immigration dilemma: looking at the surge, its … [Read more...]
The Rural Crisis: Challenges In and For the Country
The urban-rural divide has become a popular catch phrase in this 21st century to describe the increasing distance politically between Democratic supporters, who reside primarily in urban areas, and Republican supporters, who reside primarily in rural areas. When it comes to the respective conditions in both of these areas today, however, there is no divide. There is a significant amount of un- or under-addressed physical and human needs in both. We focused on the needs in urban … [Read more...]
The Supreme Court’s Confirmative, Retrograde, and Disruptive Action
There are none so blind as those who will not see. On June 29, the Supreme Court (SCOTUS), in its decision on two cases (Harvard University and the University of North Carolina), ruled that using race-related affirmative action for admission to colleges and universities violated the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection. The Court’s ruling was a confirmative, retrograde, and disruptive action. The Confirmative Nature of the Court’s Action The decision confirmed that the … [Read more...]
The Need for 21st Century Citizenship
Many think that the official motto of the United States is ‘e pluribus unum” — from many one. It is not. In fact, given the national drift toward divisiveness over the past few years, that saying should probably be reversed to “e unum pluribus” — from one many. That was the opening of a chapter titled “Citizenship Dysfunction: Coming Together or Coming Apart?” in our book: Working the Pivot Points: To Make America Work Again published in 2013 (Pivot Points). We … [Read more...]
Hitting the Debt Ceiling Should Not Put the U.S. or Us through the Roof
There has been much ado about many things in the nation’s Capitol as the country moves into the second month of this new year. One of those things is the debt ceiling. Debt Ceiling Conversations President Joe Biden and the new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) met in the White House for about hour on February 1 for a conversation to discuss the impasse that’s been created by the Republicans in the House, who are refusing to raise the ceiling. No resolution was reached. After the … [Read more...]
What Form of Artificial Intelligence is More Dangerous to Our Future?
What is more dangerous to the future of the American democracy and economy, the artificial intelligence of computers and machines that have been programmed to think like humans or the “artificial intelligence” of we human beings who have been programmed by ourselves and others to believe with confidence that our information and insights are absolutely correct? We believe it is definitely the latter rather than the former. That was our opinion, stated in a blog that we … [Read more...]
Nichelle Nichols, Michael Gerson, Mark Shields: Good Citizens
As we move into the first month of a new year in these United States, it is a good time to reflect on who the nation lost in the old year and what was gained because of them. Those who come top-of-mind for us are Nichelle Nichols, Michael Gerson, and Mark Shields. All three were good citizens. Each, in their own way, spoke to and influenced citizens of their and future generations to be good citizens as well. They led through words and example. In these still highly polarized and … [Read more...]
January 6: A Day to Remember the Four Freedoms
January 6, 2021 is a day that will be remembered in American history. This will be so because of the storming of the halls of Congress on that date by a mob of insurrectionists intent on impeding the democratic process in America. January 6, 1941 is also a day that should be remembered in American history. On that date, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt enunciated a commitment to four “essential human freedoms” in America and around the world. President Roosevelt … [Read more...]